Site rules

The company Dress&Company SRL which manages the Alma Sanchez.it online shop hereby declares the legal terms and conditions that regulate the site www.almasanchez.it.
The conditions of the client are not considered valid if different from those set out, except in the case of consent by Dress&Company SRL

Terms and conditions

By accessing the site, users agree to comply with the rules set out in this statement. Alma Sanchez reserves the right to invite those who do not agree to abide by these rules, to abstain from using the website. Viewing the Almasanchez.it site provides users with information on the products offered together with the possibility of purchasing the latter.

Images on the site

Almasanchez.it declines any responsibility for the possibility of discrepancies between the product displayed on the site and the original which do not depend on defects of conformity. Potential differences in colour, shape, finish and material due to particular configurations of the computer used by the user or its malfunction do not depend in any way on the operation of the site Almasanchez.it The images shown on the catalog and product pages of the site Almasanchez.it are owned by Dress&Company SRL. Improper and/or unauthorized use by Dress&Company SRL of such images by third parties is subject to sanctions in accordance with the law.

Product availability on the site

The availability of the items displayed on Almasanchez.it corresponds to the assortment by size and color present in all the boutiques and warehouses owned by almasanchez.it. Furthermore, Dress&Company SRL, as an authorized reseller of all the brands present on the site, guarantees the authenticity of the goods. Finally, once the purchase order has been submitted, Almasanchez.it reserves the right to reconfirm the availability of the items purchased. In case of inconsistencies between online availability and availability in boutiques and warehouses, the user will be notified by the Customer Care service of a lmasanchez.it and promptly refunded. almasanchez.it reserves the right to cancel and/or cancel any order due to unavailability, defective items, inventory errors. The cancellation will be followed by a refund of the entire amount spent. The refund will be made in the same way as the payment for the order.

Product prices on the site

The prices of the products displayed on lmasanchez.it are those that apply at the time of purchase.

Site contents

Almasanchez.it and its contents are the property of Dress & Company.
Contents include images, fonts, designs, format scripts, codes, software, documentation. Furthermore, such material is protected by copyright. Use, alteration, transmissions and distribution to third parties not authorized by Dress & Company srl of such contents is subject to sanctions in accordance with the law. almasanchez.it prohibits the use of such contents by third parties for purposes other than those of the site.

For further information contact our Customer Care service